
Well, another year, another “snowpocalypse” to trap us all inside until Mother Nature decides to back off. Sure, the snow looks beautiful as it’s falling, and even after it has fallen. The white, fluffy layer gives Earth a sense of innocence and serenity that we sometimes don’t pay much attention to during our normally hectic days. The combination of its’ aesthetic appeal and getting a day off from our responsibilities is a small compensation for what snow storms really do.

Sure, at first I get excited. I plan a fun day with my friends to hang out, play board games, and play in the snow. Only until the situation is actually put into play that I realize there is no part of me that wants to go outside, let alone “play” in the snow. So the day goes on, I start thinking about everything I need to get done. As the realization that I can execute not one of these tasks sets in, I start to just really hate the weather. Knowing that I can’t leave makes me want to leave even more. I end up drinking too much wine resulting in wasting the entire next day because my head feels like it is about to split into two.

The next day, when I can finally escape my house, and school and work have resumed, I still can’t go anywhere because my car is terrible in the snow. So at this point the snow isn’t giving me a day off, but forcing me to fail at life. So back in I go to eat my body weight in ice cream. I wish I had giant space heaters that I could strap on my back that would melt all the snow before I ever have to come in contact with it. Honestly, I hate being cold, I hate being trapped, and I really hate shoveling. This combination makes for a very grouchy girl during inclement weather.

2 days, 3 seasons of Glee, and a gallon of ice cream later, I finally have returned to being mobile. My car still can’t make it up my driveway but at least I can get to work. I guess this is God’s way of telling me I really need to consider relocation post-college.

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